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A Haven for Birds


Updated: Nov 14, 2020

April 2010

Early Spring bird sitings

from Roger Musgrove

Three visits on Feb 11th, March 13th and 30th. As expected not much to report although on Feb 11th a roving party of Blue and Great Tits on the edge of the copse around the large meadow contained Marsh and Coal Tit, Nuthatch, Treecreeper and Goldcrest. On March 13th six Bullfinches were present around the entrance to the site and both Blackbird and Song Thrush were singing. More to see and hear on the 30th with a lot more birds in song including Blackbird, Song Thrush, Goldcrest, Treecreeper, Chaffinch and Goldfinch. Overhead several Buzzards soared and called, a female Sparrowhawk zipped through but the real sign of spring was the sight of two Sand Martins heading north-west over the reserve

Late Summer Sightings

from Roger Musgrove

Two brief visits in July and August were as expected fairly quiet on the bird front all the usual suspects were around Blackbirds, Nuthatch, Whitethroat etc, but a Spotted Flycatcher on August 4th was a bird I had expected to see but had failed to locate so far. We will never know whether it was a local breeder or an early returning migrant. A slightly longer visit on September 27th turned up several sightings of Hobby a bird which probably breeds fairly close to the reserve and a distant Peregrine over Somerton Moor. A small mixed tit flock on the woodland edge held a single Goldcrest and two Chiffchaffs while at least two Blackcaps were seen nearby. Plenty of Swallow and House Martin activity overhead involving several hundred at one point, probably local breeders gearing up ready for their journey south.

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